FY 2011 H-1B Count (as of November 5th)

As of November 5, 2010, 46,800 petitions had been received by US Citizenship and Immigration Services (US CIS) for the cap of 65,000 new H-1B visas that are available each year.

This total does not include the 6,800 visas set aside under U.S. - Chile and U.S. - Singapore Free Trade Agreements or the unused numbers in this allocation from the previous year.

US CIS reports that it has also received 17,200 petitions against the U.S. Master's cap of 20,000. If the Master's cap is reached before the general H-1B cap is reached, Master's degree cases will not be rejected, but will count against the general cap. Once the H-1B cap is reached in both categories, no further H-1B petitions will be accepted until April 1, 2011. At that point, the earliest start date for new H-1B petitions will be October 1, 2011.
Access to the current H-1B cap count is available by clicking here.
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