Diversity Lottery Entry Period Changed for DV-2019
November 1st, 2017
Per an announcement by the Department of State on October 16, 2017, a technical issue has caused the Diversity Lottery DV-2019 entry period that began on October 3rd to close. Any entries submitted during the October 3 to October 10 entry period have been excluded from the Department of State's system and will not count as a duplicate entry.
The Department of State has confirmed that the technical issue for the DV-2019 entry period has now been resolved and a new, full entry period will begin at Noon Eastern Daylight Time on Wednesday, October 18, 2017 and run until Noon Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday, November 22, 2017.
Only entries received during the October 18 to November 22 entry period will be accepted and considered for selection in the lottery. The Department of State advises that those applicants who completed their entry during the October 3 - 10 period throw away any confirmation number or other documentation associated during that entry period as they have been excluded from their system.
DV-2019 Entrants may check on the status of their information by going to the Department of State's Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery page after Noon on May 15, 2018.
DV-2018 Entrants have until September 30, 2018 to check the status of their entry through the Department of State's Diversity Visa Lottery page. The DV-2018 registration period was open from October 4, 2016 until November 7, 2016.
Categories: Immigration Blog