USCIS Completes Entries for Selected 2019 H-1B Cap Subject Petitions

USCIS released an announcement on May 15, 2018 stating that is has completed all entries for selected H-1B cap petitions for fiscal year 2019. All H-1B cap-subject petitions that were not selected will be returned by USCIS; however, due to the high volume of filed petitions, USCIS has stated that it cannot provide any specific dates for the return of non-selected petitions. The agency has requested that petitioners NOT inquire about their cap-subject petitions until they receive a mailed notice OR their petition has been returned. [Cases that were not selected will not have their filing fee checks cashed.]

Please also note that USCIS has stated that it is in the process of transferring some Form I-129 H-1B cap petitions between the Vermont Service Center and the California Service Center in order to expedite processing times. In the event that your case is transferred, USCIS will alert you to this via a mailed notification. Upon receiving a notice of transfer, USCIS has instructed that all future correspondence is sent to the center processing your petition.

Categories: Immigration Blog