Potential New Immigrant Entrepreneur Visa

Finally, someone seems to be noticing that there are no truly viable routes to permanent residence for small business entrepreneurs and that the American economy is suffering as a result.

Hoping to fix this major void in immigration policy, the National Foundation for American Policy has recommended to Congress the establishment of a new type of immigrant visa (EB-6) aimed at foreign-born entrepreneurs. The proposal recommends a 10,000 annual visa quota that could create up to 100,000 new jobs over three years.

The largest distinction between this potential new visa category and the current EB-5 investor visa is that the EB-5 requires an initial investment of at least $500,000. This capital requirement disqualifies most small businesses and start-ups, which typically start with a significantly lower dollar investment in the start-up phase. To encourage broader investment and more U.S. job creation, the minimum financial requirement is eliminated under the EB-6 visa proposal.

A full copy of the proposal is available here. To contact your Congressional representatives in support of this proposal, click here.

Categories: Immigration Blog